You Know You Are an Ultra Trail Runner if:
You return form your standard run with dirt in your mouth and nose. -Yes, frequently
You occasionally stop by the emergency room on the way home form your standard run. - Yes
You only record hours in your training log. Miles are irrelevant. - Absolutely
You have mastered the skill of moving rocks and sticks around in your shoes while running so you do not
have to stop to remove them until the end of the run - Yes
You did not fall on your standard run. If you did, you would be dead. - Yes (only in some places)
You take a new pair of running shoes out for a test run and the shoes look old when you return. - Yes
You don't need a trail map on your runs. If you get lost you have enough stuff in your pack to survive for
several days. - Yes
You head out to your favorite run route because you are under and severe thunderstorm warning or
Tornado warning. - Yes, and I had the thrill of enjoying both.
You wonder why they don't make all running socks a dusty brown color. - Yes
Your idea of a fun date is a 30-mile training run. - Yes, frequently
You can expound on the virtues of eating salt. Yes
10. Your ideal way to celebrate your birthday is to run at least your age in miles with some fellow crazies.
Yes - but now I have to wait until my next 100 miler. 60+ miles is too far for a training run.
You run marathons for speed work. - Yes, occasionally, however they are usually to short to fit in
my training schedule so I run 50K instead.
You run 50K runs for speed work. - Yes, absolutely.
You have more fanny packs, water bottles, gaiters and flashlights than Amelia Marcos has shoes. - Yes,
and that is not much of an exaggeration!
People at work think you're in a whole lot better shape than you think you are. - Yes
You actually are in a whole lot better shape than you think you are. - Yes
Your weekend runs are limited by how much time you have, not by how far you can run. - Yes
You think of pavement as a necessary evil that connects trails. - Yes, I only other time I run on
pavement is during triathlons.
You really envied Tom Hanks' long run as Forest Gump. - Yes and if I had time I would enter the
Race Across America.
You carry money around in a Zip lock bag because store clerks complain that your money's too sweaty.
- Yes, at least I carry some cash with me when I run and it is in Zip Lock baggies.
Your entire life is organized in Zip-lock baggies. - Yes - Yes - Yes
You put more miles on your feet than on your rental car over the weekend. - Absolutely
You start planning the family vacation around races, and vice-versa. - Yes (Imogene Pass Run, 3 times,
Ironman events, Leadville, Wasatch, Tahoe, Cascade Crest in August and many more)
Your races end in a different area code and pass through several different Zip codes enroute - Yes, and
most pass through several counties. One I plan to run next year ends in a different state.
You don't finish on the same day as the winner. Yes
Your wife asks you the morning after your 50 k if you're still planning on that 100 miler in five weeks, and
you say "Sure!" - Yes, after all, that was just a training run.
People praise you to the high heavens for being able to finish a marathon, and you feel insulted.
- Absolutely
You're running a marathon and at mile 20 say to yourself, "Wow, only 6 more miles left, this is such a
great training run!" - Yes
You go for an easy 2 hour run in the middle of a Hurricane and think it is fun to get wet, muddy and run
through the rivers that were once trails.
No one believes you when you say "never again". - Yes
am planning the next 50 or 100 miler)
You number your running shoes to distinguish old from new, since they all look dirty. - Yes and
different colors helps, too)
Everything in your life, everything, is organized in different sized zip-loc bags. Oh yeah! I already
mentioned that! - Yes
You think a 100-mile race is easier than a 50 miler because you don't have to go out as fast.
100 miles certainly takes a lot more planning,and training.
A girl changes her tank and her bra in front of you at an aid station and all you do is take another drink of
water, look at your watch, and tell your pacer "Let's hit the trail."
of the trail behind a tree, you politely do not look! Besides, I have never run with a pacer.
You've started a race in the dark, run all day, and finished in the dark (if your lucky). - Yes, but not a
100 miler. I start in the dark, run all night and finish in the daylight the next day.
You are falling asleep on your feet during the early morning hours on the second day of a 100 miler and
lay down (anywhere) and it feels so comfortable.
6 am is sleeping in. - Yes, absolutely
You can recite the protein grams by heart of each energy bar and drink mix, and the sodium content.
No, but I do read the labels.
Someone asks you how long your training run is going to be and you answer "seven or eight ... hours".
Yes, of course. I have no idea how many miles I run.
Someone asks how long your next race is. When you tell them, they ask how many days is the race.
When you say "you don't stop" then they look at you like you have lost your mind.- Yes
When you meet an attractive member of the opposite sex on a run, you see a potential
entrant in the Run for Kids Challenge. -
entrant in the Run for Kids Challenge. -
Yes, I actually carry a couple of entry forms in my pocket (in a zip-lock baggie)
when I run. If I meet a girl on trail, I tell them about the race and give them an
entry form. Oh yeah, I give them to guys too.
when I run. If I meet a girl on trail, I tell them about the race and give them an
entry form. Oh yeah, I give them to guys too.
50. The park police try to arrest you during your 7 hour (night) training run at the local state
park because they think your are spotlighting deer. After all, why else would anyone be
out on trails in the woods at 11:00 PM, miles from anywhere.
Yes and I even had a back country pass.
park because they think your are spotlighting deer. After all, why else would anyone be
out on trails in the woods at 11:00 PM, miles from anywhere.
Yes and I even had a back country pass.
51. You get to the 80 mile point of a 100 miler and say to yourself, "Wow, only 20 miles
left to go!" - Yes, at mile 80 I know I have it made.
left to go!" - Yes, at mile 80 I know I have it made.
52. You know your an ultrarunner when you actually sit down and read all of the postings
about, "You know your an ultrarunner when..." and can laugh and relate to all of the
comments. (Or post them on a blog.)
about, "You know your an ultrarunner when..." and can laugh and relate to all of the
comments. (Or post them on a blog.)
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